Leverage programmatic API access in order to seamlessly interact with devnet and manage chainhooks.
The Platform API unlocks powerful automation opportunities in your application code, development and CI scripts, and more, via a familiar REST interface.
In particular, this API lets you programmatically create, update, query, and delete chainhooks as well as interact with a platform-hosted devnet from your local machine.
When you create a Platform account, you'll automatically receive an API key that's required to use these endpoints. You can also create additional API keys in the Hiro Platform as needed.
Hiro Platform: A developer platform for building, deploying and scaling Bitcoin apps.
Chainhook: You don't need the platform to create event streams. Leverage chainhook independently, so your app can react to on-chain events in real time.
Token Metadata API: Fetch fungible and non-fungible token data on the Stacks blockchain.
Need help building with the Platform API?
Reach out to us on the #hiro-platform channel on Discord under the Hiro Developer Tools section. There's also a weekly office hours call every Wednesday at 1pm ET.